As some of you maybe noticed, we have launched a brand new product. Its content is simple yet amazingly complex, connecting the beneficial effects of pure mother nature. Of course, we’re talking about Mountaindrop Shilajit and chestnut honey. Both ingredients have been very carefully chosen, ensuring a quality product for your health. But, as always, we’re a firm believer in knowledge, leaving no stone unturned. So…
Firstly, honey has been known to humans since the dawn of time. It’s had many uses, ranging from medicine to eating. It’s still very popular today since we know it’s full of vitamins, amino acids, and other healthy ingredients.
Secondly, just to clarify, there are many different types of honey. We divide it into three basic categories: single origin, multi flower, and local. The origin of the honey further determines the flavor and color of the honey. This way we get darker types and lighter types of honey. Some of the more popular types are buckwheat, forest, sage, clover, chestnut or acacia honey. However, not every type of honey is of the same quality in terms of nutritional ingredients. In general, honey consists of approximately 80% sugar, and the other 20% represents the above-mentioned nutrients. The sugar is composed of different levels of fructose and glucose, meaning that the ratio between these two determines the liquidity of the honey.
The rest of the honey is vitamins (B1, B2, B6, C, pantothenic acid), minerals(Cu, Na, K, P, Ca, Si, Mg, Fe, Mn), amino acids (proline, phenylalanine…), enzymes (amylase, acid phosphatase, catalase, glucose oxidase..), acids (phosphoric acid, acetic, malic, citric, lactic, butyric, succinic, pyroglutamic, gluconic, formic acid), flavonoids (quercetin, anthocyanins, catechins) and anti-bacterial substances.
As it turns out, chestnut honey is one of the healthiest out there. That’s mainly because of its mineral content, exceptionally strong antioxidant properties, and powerful-anti bacterial properties. For instance, it has been researched that it contains very healthy doses of calcium, manganese, and potassium. Chestnut honey actually contains a lot more fructose than glucose, so it can even be used for diabetics in some cases, but as always, check with your doctor first before trying this.
Anti-bacterial properties of the honey is a much-researched topic, where it was discovered that quality honey could have a powerful impact on many pathogenic bacteria including Enterobacter aerogene, E. Coli, Salmonella california, Salmonella Typhimurium, Shigella sonnei, Staphylococcus aureus, and Staphylococcus epidermis. It was also proved that it’s very effective against bacteria called P. Aeruginosa which is a very common problem with infections of burn wounds and scalds.
Furthermore, It does wonders on the streptococci found in your mouth, meaning it can have a positive effect on the health of your teeth. It has a noticeable effect on periodontitis which is a very common problem for many people around the globe. The secret behind its success is the above-mentioned enzymes that damage bacterial cell walls, particularly lysozymes. Keep in mind that this is limited to chestnut honey.
Traditional medicine recommends the use of chestnut medicine for many problems and diseases. With the nutritional profile, it has, it’s no wonder it had such an important part in human medicine for a very long time. We’re sure you probably heard for some of the following problems to be treated with honey.
According to traditional medicine, It should help with gastritis, chronic gastric ulcer, and liver disease – the delicacy has a cleansing effect and, in addition, fights inflammatory processes, so it quickly improves well-being.
Besides that, it helps with influenza, acute viral respiratory infections, sore throat, tonsillitis, and cough, the product lowers the temperature and eliminates the symptoms of the intoxication of the body, relieves a stuffy nose, and accelerates the release of sputum. Furthermore, bronchitis and pneumonia honey not only softens irritated airways and reduces pain, but also prevents the development of bacterial infection;
Additionally, it should help with varicose veins, atherosclerosis, and thrombophlebitis, where this delicacy strengthens the walls of blood vessels and speeds up blood circulation, as well as dilutes the blood
For the skin, the beneficial properties of the chestnut honey are especially in demand for the dry type of epidermis. Chestnut honey nourishes the skin with vitamins and organic acids, increases its elasticity and smoothness, helps eliminate the first wrinkles. It is very useful to make a honey mask that quickly reduces inflammation and makes the skin cleaner.
For last, we should mention the importance of sourcing quality honey from a good and reliable beekeeper. The quality of the honey is directly connected to the health and general well-being of the bees. We sourced our honey directly from the forest, provided by a friendly local beekeeper. The honey used for our Shilajit mixture is made by healthy bees, living in a clean and pollution-free environment, away from traffic and big cities. We take great pride in the quality of the ingredients we present to you since hopefully, they show how committed we are to providing you with the best possible supplements for your health. (the last 4 pictures are from our beekeeper)
From the heart of nature to your home, we hope you enjoy this wonderful gift of nature.
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